Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Do you want to drink contaminated water?

"In New Brunswick, about 40% of the population obtain their water supply from surface watersheds. That is, an area of land that drains a system of streams, lakes and rivers. One contaminated watershed can mean undrinkable water for thousands of people" (http://www.gnb.ca/0009/0371/0004/0001-e.asp).


An excellent factsheet from the Pembina Institute. This factsheet is a part of a series based on the findings of the Pembina Institute's groundbreaking analysis of the lifecycle impacts of nuclear power in Canada


"Because of their hazardous nature, uranium mine tailings and waste rock require
perpetual care. Operating and now-closed uranium tailings management facilities
have been associated with severe pollution of surface and ground water" (Pembina Institute).

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